Discover the Benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural compound in the hemp plant. It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its potential health benefits and ability to help with various conditions. In this article, we’ll look at some of the more notable benefits of CBD and how it may improve your overall well-being.

One of the most widely discussed benefits of CBD is its potential as an anti-inflammatory agent. Numerous studies have shown that CBD can reduce inflammation and relieve aches and pains associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle pain, and other conditions. CBD could effectively treat inflammatory skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema.

CBD has also been studied for its ability to reduce anxiety, stress levels and help you sleep better. Many people who suffer from depression or anxiety have reported that they experienced relief after taking CBD products either on their own or in combination with other treatments such as psychotherapy or medication. Another study found that CBD could reduce anxiety in participants with a social anxiety disorder when taken before a public speaking event.

CBD’s anti-seizure properties have helped many children suffering from certain types of epileptic seizures achieve relief from their symptoms. Studies have shown that it is especially effective against Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, two severe forms of epilepsy that can cause frequent seizures throughout a patient’s life.

Finally, research suggests that CBD might benefit people trying to quit smoking cigarettes or reduce their alcohol intake. Initial studies showed promise regarding lowering cravings, but more research needs to be done to verify these results. In addition, further studies are necessary to confirm whether or not CBD can be used as an effective treatment for addiction, more generally speaking.

The Difference Between Hemp and Marijuana

Hemp and marijuana are two plants that have been used for centuries to provide various medicinal, industrial and recreational benefits. Despite their similarities in terms of appearance, there are distinct differences between hemp and marijuana that make them unique. 

The first significant difference between hemp and marijuana is their levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is the compound in both hemp and marijuana plants responsible for producing a psychoactive effect when consumed. Its presence in large quantities makes marijuana more suitable for recreational use than hemp, which only contains trace amounts of THC. Even though both plants contain cannabinoids such as CBD, CBD from hemp is not likely to cause any intoxication when consumed, unlike CBD from marijuana, which can produce intoxicating effects.

Another significant difference between the two plants is their cultivation techniques. Both hemp and marijuana are grown differently to bring out different characteristics in each plant. Hemp is typically grown on a larger scale, with more space needed between each plant to facilitate harvesting. At the same time, marijuana is often densely packed together indoors or outdoors as part of its cultivation process. The size of the plants also varies – hemp tends to grow taller than most types of marijuana, while some strains of marijuana can reach up to 8ft tall.

Hemp also has many industrial applications, whereas recreational and medicinal uses tend to be associated more with marijuana. One key example would be paper production which historically was mainly done using materials derived from hemp because it could create much stronger fibers than those derived from wood pulp; nowadays, though, you can find many products like rope, clothing, car parts, etc. made from materials derived from either type of plant depending on what suits the product best!

Lastly, but the equally significant difference lies in legality – federally speaking, it’s legal for individuals/companies to cultivate/produce products using materials derived from industrial hemp yet illegal for the same groups if they use materials sourced from cannabis sativa, aka “marijuana” since there are higher concentrations of THC present within those plants versus industrial ones which have been bred explicitly without significant amounts of any psychoactive principle compounds (i.e., <0.3% total delta-9 THC).

While both cannabis sativa (marijuana) and Cannabis Sativa L (hemp) share some similarities – i.e., both contain cannabinoids like CBD + other beneficial chemical compounds – they differ in several respects, including cultivation methods and desired results (medicinal vs. industrial), levels of THC present within them respectively; and lastly by the way whether or not these substances are legal depending on jurisdiction (federal vs. state law). 

Not All CBD Products are Created Equally 

Due to its natural filtering properties, hemp absorbs much of the soil’s elements, meaning any pesticides, heavy metals or other contaminants found in planting soil could infiltrate the plant’s natural chemistry, which is why Green Compass plants their seeds into USDA-certified organic ground for the healthiest hemp, every time. All Green Compass products include certificates of analysis, so you know what’s in it and where it came from.  

Here is why Green Compass CBD stands out:

  • USDA Certified Organic 
  • Made in the USA
  • Lab Tested- thorough third-party testing examines the plant, water and soil to extract the highest quality of crude oil, then refined through a seven-step process to ensure Green Compass hemp is in its purest form.
  • C02 extracted 
  • THC is non-detectable as tested down to 100PPM 
  • Hemp is grown in North Carolina
  • Non-GMO hemp seeds for happy, robust and nutrient-dense hemp plants
  • Gluten Free

If you are ready to try CBD, talk to me about finding the right products for you.  You can also look at the many products Green Compass offers at


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