I think we can all agree that 2020 was a crazy year but one thing I did enjoy about last year was the slowdown that came from staying at home. It allowed me to take time and do new things I wasn’t previously making time for. However, it feels like things are picking back up now and I know a lot of us are looking at packed schedules again. And it can feel a little (or a lot) daunting! When your calendar and your to-do list are full, it can be a challenge to stick with your self-care and health goals. However, you don’t have to get frazzled wondering how to be healthier while maintaining a busy schedule. Here are 5 ways to add healthier habits into your busy schedule.


When you’re busy, it’s easy to get really focused on what’s right in front of you. That’s good in some ways, but it definitely makes it hard to feel like you’re making progress. Instead of focusing on just today, make sure you’re thinking about your physical and mental health long-term. Having bigger, overarching goals can keep you focused even when your day-to-day is pretty crazy.


When you’re busy, the key to avoiding stress and making time for yourself comes down to a routine. Getting up at the same time every morning and starting with some time for yourself — whether that’s your workout, meditation, daily devotion or just enjoying a cup of coffee or tea in the quietness of the morning — is huge. It ensures that no matter what wildness comes your way the rest of the day, you carved out some space to do what matters most to you.

A bedtime routine is also crucial when you’re busy. Turn off screens, silence your phone and settle into the night for at least 30 minutes before bed. Having this routine each night will help push you through even the craziest days.


No one can do it alone and it has been difficult to not see friends and family during this time. The weird thing about being busy is that it can be really isolating. Don’t let a packed schedule make you feel alone. There are tons of groups on social media for every kind of interest. Tune in with some of these to connect with amazing people and not feel so alone.


If you feel busy you’ve got to keep a schedule. Whether you get a planner or use your phone’s calendar, start scheduling out your days.

This isn’t just a way to make sure you’re not late for appointments or meetings. Put time for yourself on the calendar including walks, workouts, downtime, etc. Scheduling it out helps you protect that time for yourself. That way, even if your days are packed, you still have the time you need to do what you want — because you blocked it off on your calendar.


Set micro-goals for yourself and then reward yourself when you hit them. If you want to lose 20 pounds, then celebrate when you lose 2. If you want to workout 5x a week, celebrate when you get 2 workouts done in a week. If you want to permanently cut sugar from your diet, celebrate when you are able to cut sugar for one day. You don’t need to wait until you hit your ultimate goal to celebrate.

Don’t let busyness keep you from leading your healthiest life. Make it a point to get a routine and a schedule going so you never feel like you’re drowning in stuff to do, and take care of yourself. You will thank yourself when you are happier and healthier. For more help with healthier habits and lifestyles, feel free to contact me.

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